Tedi Talks
Join Podcast Host Tedi Parsons as he discusses anything and everything. No topic or subject matter is off the table! Join us as we celebrate the art of conversation we talk about everything from the day's hottest topic, to cooking, to healthcare to solving the Da Vinci Code. This is Real Talk with Real People. Come and join us in the conversation.
Tedi Talks
S3-E-17: Here's to a Healthy YOU! E-4 w/Katlyn Cardosa
On this episode of Real Talk with Tedi, Tedi welcomes back special guest Katlyn Cardosa, a Yoga Teacher at Peoples Yoga, located in REO Town, Lansing, MI, as part of the RTWT Here's to a Healthy YOU series. Tedi and Katlyn talk about what yoga is and why it can be beneficial to your mind, body and spirit. Katlyn shares with us her love and passion for yoga that, started as a need to calm anxiety. Katlyn shares with us different ways we can do/start yoga, from our home to the studio. You can connect with Katlyn at:
Katlyn Cardosa, Yoga Teacher
Peoples Yoga Studio
Website: https://peoplesyogastudio.com/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/katlyndoesyoga/
Email: katlynlindstrom@gmail.com
Yoga with Adriene (Website/YouTube)
The opinions and statements made by guests on Real Talk with Tedi are/or do not necessarily reflect those of Real Talk with Tedi or the Real Talk Network . To learn more, please visit: https://www.teditalks.com
Real Talk with Tedi Intro music provided by: ChilledMusic (Spark of Energy)
The opinions and statements made on the Tedi Talks Podcast are/or do not necessarily reflect those of Real Talk with Tedi or the Real Talk Network . To learn more, please visit: https://tediparsons.com/tedi-talks
The music used for this podcast was provided by: afterparty-review-by-sascha-ende-from-filmmusic-io. https://filmmusic.io/standard-license. License (CC BY 4.0):